We’ve all heard of the three R’s – Reduce, Re-use and Recycle. Recycling is the last resort. Avoiding unnecessary packaging and purchases should be our first priority and re-using items where possible is the next Best Thing. But, if once you’ve reduced your waste and reused whatever you can, you’re still left with something that needs to be disposed of, if it’s recyclable, make sure it gets recycled – it will decrease your contribution to climate change.
If you think what’s the point of recycling? Spending time diligently separating recyclables from the non-recyclables and putting them in the correct bins, but does it really make a difference to the big picture?
The simple answer is Yes, it does. Many of us do recycle and we all know how big a problem climate change is, but we often forget the two are related.
The simple answer is Yes, it does. Many of us do recycle and we all know how big a problem climate change is, but we often forget the two are related.
Take for example that moment when you’re faced with the decision as to what to do with your rubbish. If you put that bottle or container in the recycling bin, it makes its way to a recycling depot where it is crushed, broken, re-processed and turned into something new.
On the other hand, if you put it in a general rubbish bin the journey is much different. From there it goes straight to landfill, where it becomes a lost resource. That means new materials, and therefore more emissions, are used to create brand new products. While manufacturing goods from recycled materials still requires energy, it is much less than extracting, processing, and transporting virgin raw materials.It may seem inconsequential at the time, but simply improving your purchasing and recycling habits can add up to huge environmental benefits. In fact:
On the other hand, if you put it in a general rubbish bin the journey is much different. From there it goes straight to landfill, where it becomes a lost resource. That means new materials, and therefore more emissions, are used to create brand new products. While manufacturing goods from recycled materials still requires energy, it is much less than extracting, processing, and transporting virgin raw materials.It may seem inconsequential at the time, but simply improving your purchasing and recycling habits can add up to huge environmental benefits. In fact:
• The energy saved by recycling one plastic bottle will power a computer for 25 minutes.
• Recycling a glass jar saves enough energy to light a bulb for 4 hours
• Recycling one tonne of plastic saves enough energy to run a refrigerator for a month
• Recycling a glass jar saves enough energy to light a bulb for 4 hours
• Recycling one tonne of plastic saves enough energy to run a refrigerator for a month
It would be easy to throw our hands up in the air and say the environmental challenges that face us are all too hard, but the reality is they’re not. There are things we can all do – simple things like making the right choices when we shop and recycle – that will make a difference.
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