You want to go green but are worried that you won’t be able to get off the grid completely? Don’t let that discourage you from taking action towards living a greener lifestyle. Here are three cheap and easy tips towards living a greener lifestyle.
One of the easiest things that you can do to reduce your energy dependence is replace your incandescent light bulbs with far more efficient and far greener compact fluorescent (CFL) or LED light bulbs. Because CFL and LED light bulbs last a lifetime and will drastically lower your energy bill, you can even consider the money you will spend buying the slightly more expensive CFL or LED light bulbs an investment. However, if you do replace your light bulbs be careful- fluorescent light bulbs often contain mercury, a hazardous toxin.

Make Sure Your House Is Properly Insulated

Heating and cooling a house are among the biggest drains on energy sources that exist. Many houses are not properly insulated, and the use of heating and cooling are far more taxing on our limited resources than they need to be. If you can’t afford to go off the grid completely you should still be sure that you are using your energy as efficiently as possible.
If you’d like to live a greener lifestyle, these tips can help point you in the right direction. Just remember to be safe when you are working on greening and improving your house!
Replace Your Light bulbs
Start a Garden and Compost
Another great way to go green is also one of the oldest ways to go green- start a garden and compost. Not only will a garden give you the freshest, most affordable, organic vegetables you could want, your vegetables will also have absolutely no food miles. Of course growing a garden is a little bit more work than just replacing your light bulbs but if you pick the right spot, learn the best type of crops for your region, and tend to it gardening can be much easier than you think. Before you begin gardening however, be sure to have your soil tested. By simply dropping your food scraps, grass clippings, newspaper, cardboard, and coffee grounds into compost you can dramatically lower your waste.
Make Sure Your House Is Properly Insulated
Heating and cooling a house are among the biggest drains on energy sources that exist. Many houses are not properly insulated, and the use of heating and cooling are far more taxing on our limited resources than they need to be. If you can’t afford to go off the grid completely you should still be sure that you are using your energy as efficiently as possible.
If you’d like to live a greener lifestyle, these tips can help point you in the right direction. Just remember to be safe when you are working on greening and improving your house!
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