Monday, 12 September 2011

Check out Monthly Environment Calender and Do your bit

Arbor Day celebrations - held annually throughout the year.
World Wetlands Day - held annually on February 2nd.
World Day of Social Justice - held annually on February 20th.
World Water Day - held annually on March 22nd.
Earth Hour - promotes efforts to address climate change by asking businesses and residents to turn off their lights for one hour. Held in late March annually
Earth Day - held annually during the third week of April. Celebrate Earth Day in your neighborhood. Free e-cards are available for helping to raise awareness about this event. The U.S. EPA holds the annual National Sustainable Design Expo close to Earth Day.
World Fair Trade Day - held annually during the second week of May. If you haven't yet switched to buying fair trade gifts, you can find lots of great gifts at Online Fair Trade ShopsInternational Day for Biological Diversity - held annually on May 22nd
World No Tobacco Day - held annually on May 31st.
World Environment Day - held annually every June 5th.
World Ocean Day - held annually every June 8th.
World Population Day - held annually every July 11th.
International Youth Day - held annually on August 12th
A Day to Move Beyond Fossil Fuels - September 24, 2011 - a worldwide rally held by and other organizations to demand solutions to the climate crisis.
 International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer - held annually on September 16th.
Clean Up the World Campaign - held annually during the third weekend of September.
International Day of Peace - held annually on September 21st.
Blog Action Day - held annually in October to encourage bloggers to focus on a specific environmental/human rights issue.
World Habitat Day - held annually on the first Monday of October.
World Farm Animals Day - held annually on or around October 2nd (Mahatma Gandhi's birthday).
No Trash Week - held annually in October.
World Vegan Day - held annually on November 1st. 
International Volunteer Day - held annually on December 5th

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