Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Reduce Your Water Footprint

Freshwater degradation is a looming crisis that we must face head on with strong and effective actions. Please do your part to protect this precious resource and call upon your elected representatives to take action today to protect not just future generations but our own future by adopting sustainable water practices. Only 3% of the earth's water is fresh water - we must protect this critical resource. In addition, water-related energy consumes a large amount of energy.

-Set specific water reduction goals -- for example, commit to using 20% less per month
-Determine a baseline to start reducing from. Print the energy and water consumption chart and post in a visible spot in your home. 

-Chart the number of gallons of water used in the last 12 months 

-Make specific changes in products used and family member habits:
  -buy water saving products where needed
  -get your family involved by asking for specific changes in everyone's habits (e.g., place signs near water outlets reminding family members to reduce consumption (e.g., shorter showers, turning the faucet off when not needed, only watering outdoor plants in the morning or evening)
 -Once a month, add the new usage information to the charts and make adjustments as needed to reach your goals.

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